Tuesday 13 August 2019

I won't quit "working"

Do you really think that one works just to earn money?

I work because that gives me challenges along with the strength to deal with them and find the solutions.  If not a solution, I atleast get a lesson. In the course of action, I deal with many minds around. Consciously or sub- consciously, I deal with their thought process and their way of carrying things out. 

I feel alive when I thrive myself to find and implement solutions to the problems that I face. It makes me feel as if I was able to bring a tiny difference which in turn makes me feel alive, fulfilled and valued in my own eyes.

So, when I say that I won't stop working, Is that too much to ask for? I understand you might not need my salary but then Sorry Boss!.. How is your Lakhs or Crores helping me find my own sense of achievement? I am a free soul inside, Don't try to trap me, else I will be suffocated. Not even your money will be able to help me in that case. 

Please understand that not every girl dreams of a rich guy or an easy life. I,  infact, want to be a part of every struggle that you do to make a living. I will feel proud to contribute as much as I could in that. Don't take that happiness, that sense of satisfaction away from me.

If you accept my aspirations along with me, I will devote myself to you.
        And that's a promise.

Yours truly
A struggling girl


  1. Nice one!!!

    One of the best quotes applicable very well today:
    Best freedom is Financial freedom...

  2. Honest thoughts wonderfully spoken out. Way to go, girl! Take a bow.

  3. Wonderfully expressed ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  4. Wonderfully expressed thoughts of a girl! This blog is an inspiration for girls to be career-oriented.

  5. Good one Bharti ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  6. Wow bharti. Too good . An inspiration to keep moving ahead

  7. You spoke my heart out!! Lovely piece and a much needed thought process in India!!

  8. Waaow! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š I almost read my own mind .
    Its so simply and so beautifully written Bharti!
